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兒科是北京市中醫(yī)管理局重點屚ひ科醇锌,集醫(yī)教科族延、保健一體的中醫(yī)特色科室鲁修,門診設(shè)有小兒咳喘本谜、厭食、捏積偎窘、易感乌助、多動癥、小兒遺尿陌知、小兒推拿他托、外治等專臺。馮氏捏積療法歷經(jīng)了二百余年(到底多少年仆葡,和電視片出入很大)赏参,名聲譽載京城。同時有多種治療兒科疾病的醫(yī)院制劑沿盅。開展了中藥灌腸把篓、手法按摩、針灸腰涧、穴位貼敷韧掩、“冬病夏治三伏貼”等治療小兒常見病、疑難病窖铡。 兒科病房針對小兒反復(fù)呼吸道感染柒汉、哮喘、過敏性咳嗽萨宙、厭食癥监昏、遺尿癥、抽動癥等通過內(nèi)服中藥吊烫、推拿言酪、捏積、針灸等綜合治療谍钝,疏通經(jīng)絡(luò)(败饵、協(xié)調(diào)孩子的臟腑功能,建議去掉)椭徙,使孩子機體恢復(fù)陰陽臟腑的平衡熊过?吝重,擺脫疾病的困擾。

  Pediatrics is the key specialty of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a set of medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, health care in one of the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine departments. The clinic has special units of pediatric cough, loss of appetite, Indigestion, susceptible, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, enuresis in children, pediatric massage and external treatment. The Feng style kneading therapy which renowned reputation capital has more than two hundred years of history. Pediatrics has a variety of hospital preparations for the treatment of pediatric diseases. It carried out lots of characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consist of ethe enema, massage, acupuncture, acupoint application and dongbingxiazhi strapping. Pediatric ward treated disease by the method of the internal medicine, massage chiropractic acupuncture therapy which include infantile repeated respiratory tract infection, asthma, allergic cough, anorexia, nocturia and tourette syndrome disease. It can make the meridians smooth, and coordinate the child's organs function, and restore the balance of yin and yang of the child body, and get rid of ailments.